Saturday 6th July

14h00 to 15h30          Session 1

Malcolm Rushton Presentation

The Fundamental Driver for Seeking Analysis/Therapy

15h30 to 15h45          Refreshment break

15h45 to 17h15          Session 2

Roderick Main Presentation

Individuation, relationship, and the ‘tremendous void’

in Jung’s 1944 visions

17h15 to 17h30          Refreshment break

17h30 to 18h00          Chaired Discussion

Sunday 7th July

14h00 to 15h30          Session 3

Malcolm Rushton Presentation

A Different Conception of the Analytic Frame

15h30 to 15h45          Refreshment break

15h45 to 17h15          Session 4

Roderick Main Response

And Chaired Discussion Malcolm & Roderick

17h15 to 17h30          Refreshment break

17h30 to 18h00          Plenary