Two special JAP clinical writing workshops with Suzi Naiburg, PhD, LICSW
Saturday May 20th 2023
Saturday June 10th 2023
The Journal of Analytical Psychology is offering two virtual three-hour writing workshops with well-known teacher and analyst, Suzi Naiburg, PhD, LICSW, author of Structure and Spontaneity in Clinical Prose: A Writer’s Guide for Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists. The aim of the workshops is to help you build confidence as you develop your writing skills and to offer you an experience of the ways in which writing can deepen your understanding of yourself, your patients, and your clinical work.
The JAP wants to support both new and seasoned writers to write more experience-near clinical papers for publication; papers that bring therapy to life on the page as if it’s being played out before the readers’ eyes and gives them access to the therapist’s subjective experience. When your paper does that, readers not only enter your consulting room to live an experience with you, they also have access to what informs your understanding of what’s happening as well as your application and/or generation of concepts and theory. Writing that shows as well as tells also invites readers to think about how they might respond if they were in your situation.
Both workshops will include a graduated series of close reading and writing exercises. Excerpts from gifted writers from different fields will be mined for inspiration and practical lessons in the craft of writing. Short, focused writing exercises will give you an opportunity to put what you learn immediately into practice. Listening to one another, you will come to appreciate the myriad ways you can use writing to discover something new and tell your stories in an authentic and distinctive voice.
The first workshop, “Writing from the Inside Out,” will focus on bringing your subjective experience to the page, creating landscapes of emotion, identifying subject position, and articulating discordant links between what your patient presents (intentionally or otherwise) and your response. The second, “The Dual Landscape of Clinical Narratives,” will show you how to bring clinical process to life on the page as an “immediate scene” (as a play unfolding before your readers’ eyes) while incorporating your subjective experience.
You will be invited to write an immediate scene, so please bring some process notes for you to work from. A written syllabus will be provided with all the writing samples and exercises used during the workshops.
Those of you who have previously attended Suzi’s workshops may build on what you know, but previous experience is not a prerequisite and attendance at one workshop is not essential for attendance at the other. Come ready to write!#
SUZI NAIBURG, Ph.D., LICSW, is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, in private practice in Belmont, MA, USA. She is the author of Structure and spontaneity in clinical prose: A writer’s guide for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists (Routledge, 2015); guest editor of Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 40(2), “‘Slouching towards Bethlehem’: Our analytic self emerges”; co-editor of Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, 16(2), “How clinical and personal writing catalyse the implicit, unspoken, and unspeakable in the analyst and the field”; and an editor and writing coach, who has taught more than 200 clinical writing workshops. www.SuziNaiburg.com
Bookings are closed for this event.