Interactive Zoom online event
19:00 to 20:30 UK time (20:00 Central Europe, 11:00 California, 14:00 East Coast)
Niccolò Fiorentino Polipo will present his paper
The Love Problem of a Student—Revisited:
A Psycho-Ethical Map for Cases of Anima Projection
Published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology in 2024, Vol. 69(3), 389–410
A copy of the paper is available under the link: The Love Problem of a Student—Revisited: A Psycho‐Ethical Map for Cases of Anima Projection – Polipo – 2024 – Journal of Analytical Psychology – Wiley Online Library
In this paper, Polipo framed anima projections as an ethical problem and outlined a psycho-ethical “map” This map considers four solutions to the love problem: the “concretistic-literal”, the “fearful-avoidant”, the “rational-depressive”, and the “transitional-developmental” solution, and indicates the latter as the one that is conducive to optimal psychic development. Although developed with a focus on young men, the map may apply to other relations based on projection, regardless of age, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
This will be the fifth event in the JAP series in which selected authors present their papers and provide the opportunity to ask questions and to enter into a discussion.
Participation is free but restricted to psychotherapeutic practitioners.
NICCOLÒ FIORENTINO POLIPO (Italy) is a clinical psychologist and a Ph.D. student at the Psychological Sciences Research Institute of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He completed a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, a second-cycle degree programme in clinical psychology at the University of Bologna, and a Master of Science in forensic psychology at the University of Kent. He is currently training as a Jungian analyst with the Belgian School for Jungian Psychoanalysis.
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